I am a long time Waitematā resident but first-time local board candidate.

A professor of education at Waipapa Taumata Rau, at University of Auckland, I was on Western Springs College Board of Trustees for six years and have a decades long association with Richmond Road School. I speak regularly to school and community groups about the importance of recognising and supporting diversity in education and the wider community. I recognise there is an urgent need for an additional inner city primary school.

For me, Waitematā is the heart of Tāmaki Makaurau. I appreciate and value our community diversity, the vibrancy and challenges of urban living, and, importantly, our harbour and local environment.

Working closely with mana whenua on key projects, I will prioritise expanding public transport and active means of transport – such as walking/cycling – to support environmental protection and sustainability.

Vote Stephen May
and City Vision 
for Waitematā Local Board

Stephen is seeking election as Green supported candidate as part of City Vision. City Vision is an Auckland centre-left local body political group that represents the local Labour and Green parties and other progressive people who are active and keen to represent their communities but do not belong to any political party (community independents).

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