Kathy Voyles is running for the Waiheke Local Board after spending the last 6 years working in food rescue and zero waste.  

Kathy has managed the popular food rescue cafe, Kai Conscious, and believes that food resilience is a huge priority for the island, as is reducing and managing waste. 

Organic waste is a resource and should not go off island. Housing and rental affordability on the island continues to be an issue with few Kainga Ora houses and no assisted living on the island, despite an aging population. 

A member of Cycle Action Waiheke, Kathy is keen to promote soft transport options and to make our many shared roads as safe as possible and to look after vulnerable road users. 

Waiheke needs more self determination in terms of local decision making and addressing island environmental issues. 

A vote for Kathy Voyles is a vote for compassion, food resilience and action on climate change and housing. Advocacy, dialogue, debate and discussion and finding the best way forward for our community. 


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